I have a csv. with my data and I put it through a RF to predict sediment type based off of bathymetry data from 24 sample points (and get sediment distribution as an image output), the RF is working as it should but when I try to use the terra predict function with a predictor raster it won't predict.
env = read.csv("./data/green_environmental.csv")
names(env) = c("Station", "Sediment", "Details", "Feature", "latitude", "longitude", "u5", "u4","Bathymetry", "bathy_pei", "Backscatter", "bathy_200khz", "bathy_300khz", "temp_c", "conductivity_mS_cm", "salinity_PSU", "density_kg_m3", "cluster_untransformed","cluster_1", "cluster_2")
bathy_pei = terra::rast("./data/bathymetry_full.tif")
env$Sediment = as.factor(env$Sediment)
rf_a = randomForest(Sediment ~ bathy_pei, env)
# this one gets an error
rf_pred = terra::predict(bathy_pei, model=rf_a, na.rm = FALSE)
This is the error I get:
Error in model.frame.default(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.omit) : object is not a matrix
In addition:
Warning message: 'newdata' had 19328 rows but variables found have 11136 rows
I tried using na.rm and na.action. I have checked my raster layer (floating point geotiff) it seems fine, changing the raster name hasn't done anything and I tried converting my data to a matrix but then the RF wouldn't run.
Rename the SpatRaster so it has the same name as the predictor variable in your model.
names(bathy_pei) <- 'bathy_pei'
rf_pred = terra::predict(bathy_pei, model=rf_a, na.rm = FALSE)