
Pulumi Snowflake GrantPrivilegesToAccountRole Error

Getting an issue when trying to upgrade our system from legacy Pulumi Snowflake Grants (StageGrant) to using the newer GrantPrivilegesToAccountRole. I'm seeing an issue when trying to provision permissions for a single schema object (in this case a stage). An example code Pulumi snippet is below:

stage = pulumi_snowflake.Stage(

stage_grant = pulumi_snowflake.GrantPrivilegesToAccountRole(
        "object_name": stage.fully_qualified_name,
        "object_type": "STAGE",
    opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(parent=self, depends_on=[stage]),

Based off of the Snowflake Pulumi docs, this formatting should suffice but when I try and deploy I get:

error: snowflake:index/grantPrivilegesToAccountRole:GrantPrivilegesToAccountRole resource 'account-admin-grant-account-role' has a problem: 
  Invalid combination of arguments. "on_schema_object.0.future": one of `on_schema_object.0.all,on_schema_object.0.future,on_schema_object.0.object_name` must be specified. 
  Examine values at 'account-admin-grant-account-role.onSchemaObject.future'.
error: snowflake:index/grantPrivilegesToAccountRole:GrantPrivilegesToAccountRole resource 'account-admin-grant-account-role' has a problem: 
  Missing required argument. "on_schema_object.0.object_type": all of `on_schema_object.0.object_name,on_schema_object.0.object_type` must be specified. 
  Examine values at 'account-admin-grant-account-role.onSchemaObject.objectType'.
error: snowflake:index/grantPrivilegesToAccountRole:GrantPrivilegesToAccountRole resource 'account-admin-grant-account-role' has a problem: 
  Invalid combination of arguments. "on_schema_object.0.object_name": one of `on_schema_object.0.all,on_schema_object.0.future,on_schema_object.0.object_name` must be specified. 
  Examine values at 'account-admin-grant-account-role.onSchemaObject.objectName'.
error: snowflake:index/grantPrivilegesToAccountRole:GrantPrivilegesToAccountRole resource 'account-admin-grant-account-role' has a problem: 
  Invalid combination of arguments. "on_schema_object.0.all": one of `on_schema_object.0.all,on_schema_object.0.future,on_schema_object.0.object_name` must be specified. 
  Examine values at 'account-admin-grant-account-role.onSchemaObject.all'.

The error implies that my combination of on_schema_object args is invalid but the docs seem to indicate otherwise, any ideas for how to resolve/debug this?


  • Resolved this after some debugging. As it turns out, fully_qualified_name was actually a null value causing this issue, to resolve I manually constructed the fully_qualified_name. The docs imply that this should be an accessible field but it appears not. I didn't confirm, but I suspect it's related to the fact that I'm making these changes as part of an upgrade from a legacy version (0.54) to a newer version (1.1.3).