In my app there is a view with several pickers. If I select a value with one of them ($limits[index].from
), a value that depends on it should be updated. Unfortunately, this does not work. Only when I select the desired value a second time is the dependent value (limits[index + 1].to
) also displayed correctly.
Here's my code:
import SwiftUI
class Limit: Identifiable {
var value: Int
var from: Double
var to: Double
init(value: Int, from: Double, to: Double) {
self.value = value
self.from = from = to
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var limits: [Limit] = [
Limit(value: 1, from: 10.5, to: 12),
Limit(value: 2, from: 8.5, to: 10),
Limit(value: 3, from: 6.5, to: 8),
Limit(value: 4, from: 4.5, to: 6),
Limit(value: 5, from: 2.5, to: 4),
Limit(value: 6, from: 0, to: 2)
private var sum:Double = 12
var body: some View {
VStack {
ForEach(0..<limits.count, id: \.self) { index in
HStack {
Text("Value \(limits[index].value): ")
Text("\(limits[index].to, specifier: "%.1f")")
Text(" - ")
let values = getChangeValues(limit: limits[index])
Picker("from", selection: $limits[index].from) {
ForEach(values, id: \.self) { value in
Text("\(value, specifier: "%.1f")").tag(value)
.onChange(of: limits[index].from) {
limits[index + 1].to = limits[index].from - 0.5
private func getChangeValues(limit: Limit) -> [Double] {
return Array(stride(from: limit.from - 0.5 * floor(sum / 6), through: limit.from + 0.5 * floor(sum / 6), by: 0.5))
I don't know how to solve it.
The secret was to replace class with struct. Then everything worked as desired. Thanks to lorem ipsum!
Here is the (slightly) adjusted code:
struct Limit {
var value: Int
var from: Double
var to: Double
init(value: Int, from: Double, to: Double) {
self.value = value
self.from = from = to