
Angular Youtube - onReady

I am trying to wrap Angular/Youtube component, described here.

This stackblitz is the result.

The problem here is that


is not firing at all the onReadyevent. I never have my console log.

  onReadyInternal(event: any): void {
    console.log(event, 'Is Ready');

I based my work on another question with a linked project. The onReady fires normally on this one, and the code looks very similar.


  • This is an issue on angular/components github.

    bug(YouTubePlayer): startSeconds and ready not working #29874

    The fix is provided in the PR:

    Youtube player startSeconds and ready event not working #29986

    You can upgrade angular and angular components to 18 to solve the problem.

    I tried for a workaround but did not have luck.