It seems as though my nib files are included in my test target, they don't exist in the main bundle, so my app crashes on me when I am loding a nib by its name from the main bundle. I either need to find the correct bundle that includes my nib file, or I need to load a nib using a path.
Does anyone have a solution for either one? [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]
doesn't work. I think the nib and class files are not in the same bundle
It might help to enumerate the bundles
for (NSBundle *bundle in [NSBundle allBundles])
// can look for resources in bundle
locatedPath = [bundle pathForResource:resourcePath ofType:type];
// or maybe trying and load the nib from it?
UINib *nib = [UINib nibWithName:@"Blah" bundle:bundle];
// check for !nil ...