
Lotus Domino Designer: AJAX or some other way to open a URL to retrieve a data

Following Lotus Domino Designer: Add a button in the default calendar

The link is actually a SSO link (single sign-on) which is delivered by our API to connect the user to our application.

We must execute the url http://example.com/api.asp?cas=GETUSERTOKEN&rdn=9428521&login=mike&logincnx=adminAPIHays&pwdcnx=app

which returns the time-limited SSO link http://example.com/hays/array.asp?key=750EA68A476C9F8D26F9704B203205FDF64D2B849B688F169B398D217FFF570F54C1CB6B4635A494E504E624EDF3266D0D5C2A1210AA43EE3CD2098AE8B42DBF which connects the user.

By what means I can program this in Domino Designer?

If necessary we can put the button in a new something (not necessarily in the default calendar in fact).


  • I did this in LotusScript:

    Sub Click(Source As Button)
        Dim objHttp As Variant
        Dim url As String
        Dim response As String
        Set objHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
        url = "http://foo.com/api.asp?cas=GETUSERTOKEN&rdn=9428521&login=mike&logincnx=adminAPIHays&pwdcnx=app"
        objHttp.open "GET", url, False
        objHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        newUrl = objHttp.responseText
        Set w = New NotesUIWorkspace
        w.UrlOpen newUrl
    End Sub