Can I use Jackson instead of JSON-lib with Groovy's HTTPBuilder when setting the body on request?
uri.path = path
requestContentType = JSON
body = customer
response.success = { HttpResponseDecorator resp, JSONObject returnedUser ->
customer = getMapper().readValue(returnedUser.content[0].toString(), Customer.class)
return customer
In this example, I'm using Jackson fine when handling the response, but I believe the request is using JSON-lib.
Yes. To use another JSON library to parse incoming JSON on the response, set the content type to ContentType.TEXT
and set the Accept header manually, as in this example: You'll receive the JSON as text, which you can then pass to Jackson.
To set JSON encoded output on a POST request, just set request body as a string after you've converted it with Jackson. Example:
@Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.5.1' )
new HTTPBuilder('http://localhost:8080/').request(Method.POST) {
uri.path = 'myurl'
requestContentType = ContentType.JSON
body = convertToJSONWithJackson(payload)
response.success = { resp ->
println "success!"
Also note that when posting, you have to set the requestContentType
before setting the body.