
How can I request the "publish_actions" permission?

Washington Post (https://www.facebook.com/dialog/permissions.request?app_id=225771117449558&display=page&next=https%3A%2F%2Fapps.facebook.com%2Fwpsocialreader%2F%3F&type=user_agent&canvas=1&perms=user_about_me%2Cuser_likes%2Cpublish_actions") is able to request the publish_actions permission.

It says this on Facebook:

While in Open Graph Beta, the 'publish_actions' permission can only be requested from developers and test users of your app. The 'publish_actions' permission will be ignored if requested from any other user.

When I try requesting the permission from non-developers, this shows up:

Logging in will not add this app's activity to Facebook.


  • Requesting publish_actions currently works as follows

    1. If your app is in the Games category and you're using the Scores and Achievements API
    2. For testing the new Open Graph custom objects and actions - this will only work for developers/test users of the app who have Timeline enabled - to use it with regular users you'll have to wait until after Timeline launches and apps start getting approved to use the new APIs