
how to change xampp htdocs directory in OSX?

I want to change XAMPP's htdocs directory. I followed the instructions to create a virtual host from this question:

Make XAMPP/Apache serve file outside of htdocs

this works fine on Windows 7, however when I try it on OSX, going to mysite.local just loads the xampp splash screen (mysite.local/xampp/index.html). I have restarted the web server. My virtual host declared in httpd-vhosts.conf is:

<VirtualHost *:80>

DocumentRoot Users/username/Documents/

ServerName sitename.localhost

<Directory Users/username/Documents/>

Order allow,deny 
Allow from all



  • solved by editing httpd.conf

    I have got this working. As per, in OSX it is necessary to make two changes to httpd.conf, first, uncomment

    #Include /Applications/xampp/etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

    and second, change the user from nobody to the username you use to log into OSX. You may also need to delete your browser's cache.