I have an Abstract Domain Class in Grails wich has fields that all the other class will use, so the other class extends of it. This field are audit fields. I use the automatic timestamp fields: dateCreated
and LastUpdated
and two other String
I need the columns to have specific names, and for some reason the column name mapping is not working.
static mapping = {
createUser column: "AUDI_TCREATE_USER"
editUser column: "AUDI_TEDIT_USER"
dateCreated column: "AUDI_DDATE_CREATED"
lastUpdated column: "AUDI_DDATE_MODIFIED"
tablePerHierarchy false
String createUser
String editUser
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
It does not throw any errors but it just keeps the original column name in the DB for every field.
No. You have to define mappings in each domain class, which extends your abstract domain class. I am speaking about grails 1.3.x.