
icepush-basic example does nothing

I'm new to icepush.

I have started icepush-basic example under Tomcat 6. I made WAR file with Ant and deployed it as apropriate.

I see the page "Basic ICEpush Test Current Push Notifications: " and nothing more hapenning.

Then I ran this sample under eclipse debugger and see, that timers on the server-side work well, i.e. pushing something into bridge.

Also I see in firebug, that my browser is querying listen.icepush URL periodically with correct pushids in POST data.

But the response of the query is always


and the registered function never called.

What can be the reason of this?

icechat-ajax example works well in the same circumstances.


  • It is a bug in icepush library: individual sendings, which are used in an example, do not implemented.