I find that when running multiple gmock tests using and in memory database I get errors about table already being there. It seems to run the spring context creation multiple times, even though it's only set once in a given test class as a field to be used by all the test methods.
Ideally I would like multiple classes to reuse the same context but even multiple methods with a single GMockTestCase are re creating the spring context.
Overriding Junit setup method doesn't help.
I find this behaviour unintuitive and incorrect but probably there's something I don't understand about how gmock or groovy works
class MyTest extends GMockTestCase {
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:spring.test.xml")
def mockRequest = mock(RenderRequest)
def mockResponse = mock(RenderResponse)
void testHandleRequest() {
play {
def mav = mainController.handleRenderRequestInternal(mockRequest, mockResponse)
assertEquals userName, mav.model.un
One workaround I can use for now but is not ideal is to use the annotated technique and extend a spring test class like this:
@ContextConfiguration(locations = ["classpath:spring.dev.xml"])
class MyTest extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests {
@BeforeClass would allow you to construct one context per class