
Unable to find file 'normnfc.nlp' of multi-file assembly 'mscorlib.dll'

I'm getting this error when building a setup project for an outlook 2007 addin from Visual Studio 2010.

There is nothing complicated to the setup project, just using the standard mechanism.

I know it is unable to find the file. What is normnfc.nlp? What does it do? Where can I find it?


  • It is one of 5 external resource files for mscorlib.dll. It contains Unicode character mapping data, used by string.Normalize(). It is stored in the GAC in the same directory as mcorlib.dll. For .NET 4 that would be C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089.

    GAC_64 for the 64-bit version.

    Very unhealthy if this file is missing. First thoroughly check the disk drive. Reinstall .NET 4. Ask questions about drive health at