
Why won't MSpec integrate with ReSharper 6?

I'm having trouble with getting MSpec to work with ReSharper 6. I've just installed MSpec from the NuGet package:
Installed MSpec from NuGet

Next, I've quit from Visual Studio, opened an elevated command prompt and run the install script from the packages\tools folder:
enter image description here

And finally, reloaded Visual Studio. No dice! No icons in the text editor and no plugin shows up in the ReSharper options.
enter image description here

What am I doing wrong? The MSpec site says this is supposed to work :(


  • I hand copied:

    Machine.Specifications.dll and Machine.Specifications.ReSharperRunner.6.0.dll

    to the "%APPDATA%\JetBrains\ReSharper\v6.0\vs10.0\Plugins" folder

    as per the instructions, but the integration didn't appear until I had restarted VS2010 and re-loaded the solution.

    MSpec for Resharper 6

    enter image description here