
How to show download link for attached file in FileField in Django Admin?

I have FileField in my django model:

file = models.FileField(upload_to=FOLDER_FILES_PATH)

In Django admin section for changing this model I have full path to this file (by default):

Currently: /home/skyfox/Projects/fast_on_line/order_processor/orders_files/mydog2_2.jpg 

How can I show link for downloading this file for my admin panel users?


  • If you have a model "Case" for example, you could add a method to your class which "creates" the link to the uploaded file :

    from django.utils.html import format_html
    class Case(models.Model)
        file = models.FileField(upload_to=FOLDER_FILES_PATH)
        def file_link(self):
            if self.file:
                return format_html("<a href='%s'>download</a>" % (self.file.url,))
                return "No attachment"
        file_link.allow_tags = True

    then, in your

    list_display = [..., file_link, ...]