I have a piece of code in ALLOY I am trying to do a restaurant reservation system and I have this sig and relation between them.
abstract sig Table{
breakfast: one breakFast,
lunch: one Lunch,
dinner: one Dinner
sig Free{
sig Reserved{
sig breakFast {
breakfastfree:one Free,
breakfastReserved:one Reserved
sig Lunch {
Lunchfree:one Free,
LunchReserved:one Reserved
sig Dinner {
Dinnerfree:one Free,
DinnertReserved:one Reserved
all t1,t2 : Table | t1 != t2 => t1.breakfast != t2.breakfast
all t1,t2 : Table | t1 != t2 => t1.lunch != t2.lunch
all t1,t2 : Table | t1 != t2 => t1.dinner != t2.dinner
pred RealismConstraints []{
#Table = 4
run RealismConstraints for 20
I want to put a fact that for breakfast it can be reserved or free NOT BOTH and in lunch and dinner the same thing any ideas?
First, the way you've constrained breakfastfree
and breakfastReserved
it will always be both. You need to use lone
(no object or one):
sig breakFast {
breakfastfree:lone Free,
breakfastReserved:lone Reserved
Then, you could write the fact:
all t: Table | let breakf = t.breakfast |
#(breakf.breakfastfree+breakf.breakfastReserved) = 1
or, simpler, just:
sig breakFast {
breakfastfree: lone Free,
breakfastReserved: lone Reserved
#(breakfastfree+breakfastReserved) = 1
However, I'd suggest that you just go with something like
sig breakFast {
breakfastReserved: lone Reserved
and treat no breakfastReserved
as "free". You don't need any further facts then.