I want to create a webapp that dynamically redirects to a URL, based on address that user typed. When a user visit my site by a address like this:
I want redirect this user to URL:
Yay, I love a good fight!
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound
from paste.httpserver import serve
config = Configurator()
config.add_route('redirect', '/{arg}')
def redirect_view(request):
dst = 'http://mydomain2.com/register.php?id={id}&from={host}'
args = {
'id': request.matchdict['arg'],
'host': request.host,
return HTTPFound(dst.format(**args))
config.add_view(redirect_view, route_name='redirect')
serve(config.make_wsgi_app(), host='', port=80)