
HTTP: POST request receives a 302, should the redirect-request be a GET?

I was reading RFC 2616, §10.3 Redirection 3xx but I didn't really got from there what request-type the redirect-request should have in what case, i.e. the function (initial request-type, response-type) -> redirect-request-type.

In my particular case, I had:

Google Chrome used a GET for the redirected request.

In the Python library requests, there is the following code (here):

if r.status_code is codes.see_other:
    method = 'GET'
    method = self.method

I.e., the redirect-request-type is GET in case of 303 (codes.see_other), in all other cases it is the initial request-type. I.e., for my particular case above, it would be POST, in contrast to Chrome.

This is probably wrong because I have one website where this actually doesn't seem to work correct (i.e. the website doesn't behave well this way).

What would be the correct way/function?


  • Per RFC 2616, the answer is "the original method". HTTPbis will revise this, as it doesn't reflect what browsers do (sadly).

    See for the history.