
Spring Security - how can I ask invoke access control methods directly?

There's a lot of documentation on how to use jsp tags, aop, annotations, the application context, and all of these sorts of things... but how do I access the access control methods directly? What class do I need to create, if any? Is there hidden bean I need to be aware of? It doesn't seem like SecurityContextHolder is the right place to look.

What I'd like to do is something like this:

if(springSecurityObject.isAuthorized("hasAnyRole('DIRECTOR', 'ADMIN')")) {
    // ... do something

Or even better:

if(springSecurityObject.hasAnyRole('DIRECTOR', 'ADMIN')) {
    // ... do something


EDIT: It seems like the spring security people are using the granted authorities on the user object itself:

I think it would probably have been helpful if they abstracted out a ton of this code and put it into a nice set of classes instead - something that both the tag libraries and actual users could use. They are private helper methods after all... a common smell that they should probably exist in some classes instead.

Since they are doing the plumbing manually, I guess I have to assume that what I want doesn't exist.


  • The only thing I can think of is invoking your UserDetailsService manually, calling getAuthorities() on the returned Authentication and then calling contains() or containsAll() on the returned collection.

    So you'd have something like:

    final UserDetails jimmyDetails = myDetailsService.loadUserByUsername("Jimmy");
    final Collection<GrantedAuthority> jimmyAuthorities = jimmyDetails.getAuthorities();
    // make it a Collection<String> by iterating and calling .getAuthority()

    Writing your own helper methods that do this would not be too hard, although I agree that having them in the API would be nice.