
How can I tell Django templates not to parse a block containing code that looks like template tags?

I've got some html files that include templates to be used by jQuery.tmpl. Some tmpl tags (like {{if...}}) look like Django template tags and cause a TemplateSyntaxError. Is there a way I can specify the Django template system should ignore a few lines and output them exactly as they are?


  • As of Django 1.5, this is now handled by the built-in verbatim template tag.

    In older versions of Django, the built-in way would be to manually escape each template item with the templatetag template tag ( ), but I suspect that that's not what you want to do.

    What you really want is a way to mark a whole block as raw (rather than interpretable) text, which requires a new custom tag. You might want to check out the raw tag here: