
send and receive SMS and developing a SMS panel

i am working on a SMS panel based on .net framework.i just send some messages to my contacts and received their replies.i want to know witch received message is a reply of witch sent message.

ex : if i send A and B messages to 1 contact and then it sends back to me X and Y messages as its reply ,now how i can find out X is a answer for witch one A or B messages.in other hand,what about Y message?!!

I need some ideas or personal experiences about send and receive SMS and generating a SMS panel.



  • Its possible. you are talking about two way sms.

    you need to use two different services

    one is for sending sms, ie http or smpp(need to use the mobile number as senderid on which the reciever replies)

    then on the other hand you need to configure a sim card reader or develop the application to read those messages

    then you can easiely relate them.