I create a modal window with PopUpManager
_zoomImgPopUp = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, Image, true) as Image;
When the modal window is opened, all background is gray and with blur. How can i change color, blur and transparency of background.
I find this article http://mprami.wordpress.com/2008/04/22/alert_popup_modal_transparancy_color_blur_changes/
but it is for "mx" application. I need something with "spark" components.
UPD: Solved. It must be:
_zoomImgPopUp.setStyle("modalTransparency", 0);
_zoomImgPopUp.setStyle("modalTransparencyBlur", 0);
PopUpManager.addPopUp(_zoomImgPopUp, this, true);
You have access to styles in the tag that affect Modal.
You should be able to do this:
_zoomImgPopUp.setStyle("modalTransparencyColor", #ff0000);
You can put this in your application / component / module that references the popup.
@namespace s library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark;
@namespace mx library://ns.adobe.com/flex/halo;
global {
modal-transparency: 1;
modal-transparency-blur: 2;
modal-transparency-color: #ff0000;