
Show Joomla module only in specific articles?

Is it possible to show modules in Joomla only in a specific article (not per menu item), but in standard module position?

For example somehow get the current article id in a template and insert the modules with according id suffix in the name?


  • I would advise you not to hardcode things like this in the template. My question is, why don't you want to use a menu item? You can create a hidden menu item for that article and use it, then assign the module to that menu item. If you still want to do it without using a menu item, a possible workaround would be to use something like "mod_php" (some module that allows you to use php code) and do something more or less like this:

    1. Create the module and assign it to a position that is not used anywhere (you can type whatever you want in the module position)
    2. In your php module, put this code:

      $option = JRequest::getVar( 'option', '' );
      $view = JRequest::getVar( 'view', '' );
      $id = JRequest::getInt( 'id', 0 );
      if ( $option == "com_content" && $view == "article" && $id == YOUR_ARTICLE_ID ) {    
          $module = JModuleHelper::getModule('your_module_type', 'module_title');
          if ( ! empty( $module ) ) {
              $attribs = array( 'style' => 'xhtml' );
              echo JModuleHelper::renderModule( $module, $attribs ); 

    I'm sorry if the code snippet is not showing properly, but I hope you can read it ok. Just one thing, when you fill in the part saying 'your_module_type', don't include the "mod_" part of the name. For example, if you want to output a module of type "mod_article_list", you should write "article_list" in "your_module_type".

    I hope it helps!