
How to set property as PT_BINARY (and not PT_MV_LONG) when using Redemption?


This issue was fixed in Redemption 5.2:

Previously, named MAPI properties in the "string" namespace specified in the DASL format ... always assumed to be of string type (PT_UNICODE or PT_STRING8).

It is now possible to explicitly specify the property type, e.g. PT_LONG (=3): http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/string/{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/MyIntegerUserProperty/0x00000003

I am using Redemption 5.1 (and Outlook 2010/64) and have run into this very annoying case:

When trying to write an object of byte[] to a property it writes it as an PT_MV_LONG property, not as PT_BINARY.

This occurs when either using RDOProp.Fields:

RDOItem rdoItem = GetRDOItem();
// note this is typed PT_BINARY
string dasl = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/string/{312FD430-D997-418A-8E1F-8D224FE69F5D}/MyProp/0x00000102";
byte[] data = GetSomeData();
rdoItem.Fields[dasl] = data;

...or when using RDOUtils.HrSetOneProp:

// this also sets MyProp, but does so as PT_MV_LONG, not PT_BINARY
RDOUtils utils = CreateUtils();
var mapiObject = rdoItem.MAPIOBJECT;
var propTag = utils.GetIDsFromNames(mapiObject,
utils.HrSetOneProp(mapiObject, propTag, encoded);

The above code does not compile, but the types are correct.


With the string property the way it is above, Redemption is creating the property "MyProp/0x00000102", and not "MyProp".


  • The first snippet looks perfectly fine to me. I had no problem with the following script executed from OutlookSpy (I am its author - click “Script Editor” button on the OutlookSpy toolbar, paste the script, click Run). You might have to deselect the message and select it again to see the newly added property. The second snippet does not set the property type (PT_BINARY).

    dasl = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/string/{312FD430-D997-418A-8E1F-8D224FE69F5D}/MyProp/0x00000102"
    dim data(2)
    data(0) = 0
    data(1) = 1
    data(2) = 2
    set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
    Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
    set msg = Session.GetMessageFromID(Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1).EntryID)
    Msg.Fields(dasl) = data