
Disable an ImageButton

This looks easy, but I'm not able to disable an ImageButton. It continues to receive click events, and its appearance don't change like a standard Button would.

There are some similar questions on SO, but they don't help me.

Even with a very simple layout like this :

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:src="@android:drawable/sym_action_call" />


The button is still enabled and I can click it.

What's strange is that if I change the ImageButton to a simple Button, then it works as expected. The button becomes disabled and unclickable. I don't understand. Does anyone have an idea?


  • ImageButton has different inheritance chain meaning it does not extend Button:

    ImageButton < ImageView < View

    It continues to receive click events

    Here is what happens when you set a click listener for the View:

    public void setOnClickListener(OnClickListener l) {
        if (!isClickable()) {
        mOnClickListener = l;

    So if you set a listener the android:clickable="false" changes to android:clickable="true".

    and its appearance don't change like a standard Button would

    You should supply a drawable state list to the view so it could set an appropriate image based on android:enabled. Do you have this? Or you have the only image for your button?

    EDIT: You can find info on StateListDrawable here. android:state_enabled is what you need to use in the list in order to tell the OS what image to use for that state.

    EDIT2: Since you really need to add a listener you can make a check inside of the listener if (!isEnabled()) { return; } else { /* process the event */ }.