
How to return CFDataRef without memory leak?[ios]

When I return a CFDataRef by

    CFDataRef data = CFDataCreate(NULL, buf, bufLen);
    return data;

There is a memory leak, how to make CFDataRef autorelease? the method [data autorelease] doesn't exit.


  • You can't autorelease Core Foundation objects. (However, you can autorelease Core Foundation objects that support toll-free bridging such as CFDataRef; see @newacct's answer below.)

    The Objective-C convention is to name your method such that it starts with the word new to indicate that the caller is responsible for releasing its return value. For example:

    + (CFDataRef)newDataRef {
        return CFDataCreate(...);
    CFDataRef myDataRef = [self newDataRef];

    If you conform to this naming convention, the Xcode static analyzer will correctly flag Core Foundation memory managment issues.