
Can I dynamically create a CSSStyleSheet object and insert it?

I know document.styleSheets which consists of all valid style sheets in a page. I want to know whether I can create a new one and append it to present list via JavaScript.

I have tried document.styleSheets[0].constructor, document.styleSheets[0].__proto__.constructor, new CSSStyleSheet, CSSStyleSheet(), and all I get from Chrome is:

TypeError: Illegal constructor.

CSSStyleSheet.constructor() returned a pure object but I expect a CSSStyleSheet object.

I know I can create a link/style element and append it, then modify it. Can I create such objects directly with JavaScript?


  • As far as I know, the only approach that comes close to what you're asking for is the IE-only document.createStyleSheet([url] [,index]) method which you can use to create up to 31* styleSheet objects (after which you'll still need to manually create style elements and append them to document).

    This answer shows how you can define the createStyleSheet() method for non-IE browsers but as you'd expect it does so by appending link/style elements (which for some reason you're trying to avoid).

    * IE 6 to 9 is limited to 31 imported stylesheets due to 5-bit field used for storing sheet IDs. In IE10 this limit has been raised to 4095.