We are using strike-through to actually show oldprice vs new price for a product.
If you open this link, at the bottom of the page, we have a product on sale. http://www.gkelite.com/Gymnastics-Shopby-GiftoftheWeek
The strike-through for the old price is not centered vertically for the text. Can any one help out as to why it's happening?
I found a solution for it utilizing psuedo elements http://jsfiddle.net/urjhN/
.strike-center {
position: relative;
white-space: nowrap; /* would center line-through in the middle of the wrapped lines */
.strike-center:after {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
position: absolute;
content: "";
right: 0;
left: 0;
However this technique fails if the text is wrapped between lines, the line would be centered among those lines.
It seems to work among all major browsers; for IE7 (and prior) you could just fallback to the classic line-through
using conditional comments.