Using VB6 and SQL Server 2000
I want to pass the value to stored procedure using rdo connection.
I know stored procedure and rdo connection string, but I don't know how to pass parameter value to stored procedure through rdo connection.
Tried code
Dim rsql As rdoQuery
'Set rsql = rdovispay
rsql.rdoParameters ("Storeprocedure1")
rsql.rdoParameters(0).Direction = rdParamReturnValue
rsql(1) = Eid
Can anyone provide a sample code for passing the parameter value to stored procedure?
From MSDN:
A parameter query simply substitutes user-supplied or application-supplied parameters into an ordinary query. While this query is usually a SELECT statement, it could be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE query as well. The following example illustrates how to code a simple SELECT query with a single parameter. The query looks up authors by name from the Pubs sample database.
First, set up an SQL query that marks each parameter using the ? parameter marker.
QSQL$ = "SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE Au_Lname = ?"
Next, create an rdoQuery object to manage the query and its parameters.
Set PSAuthors = cn.CreateQuery("",QSQL$)
Next, use the following code to insert the value entered by the user (Text1.Text) into the query.
PSAuthors.rdoParameters(0) = Text1.Text
You can find the complete page here
You code (ODBC syntax) would be modified to:
Dim rsql As rdoQuery
Dim QSQL as string
' if your data source is ODBC then use the ODBC syntax
'QSQL$ = "{ ? = call Storeprocedure1 (?) }"
' if your data source is SQL, then use the SQL syntax
'QSQL$ = "Execute Storeprocedure1 ?"
Set rsql = Connection.CreateQuery("", QSQL$)
rsql.rdoParameters(0).Direction = rdParamReturnValue
rsql(1) = Eid ' set the input parameter