I'm dealing with the problem of reading a 64bit unsigned integer unsigned long long
from a string. My code should work both for GCC 4.3 and Visual Studio 2010.
I read this question and answers on the topic: Read 64 bit integer string from file and thougth that strtoull
would make the work just fine and more efficiently than using a std::stringstream
. Unfortunately strtoull
is not available in Visual Studio's stdlib.h
So I wrote a short templated function:
template <typename T>
T ToNumber(const std::string& Str)
T Number;
std::stringstream S(Str);
S >> Number;
return Number;
unsigned long long N = ToNumber<unsigned long long>("1234567890123456789");
I'm worried about the efficiency of this solution so, is there a better option in this escenario?
"It's called _strtoui64(), _wcstoui64() and _tcstoui64(). Plus the _l versions for custom locales.
Hans Passant."
By the way, the way to Google things like this is to notice that Google automatically thinks you're wrong (just like newer versions of Visual Studio) and searches for something else instead, so be sure to click on the link to search for what you told it to search for.