I am trying to login to website using urllib2 and cookiejar. It saves the session id, but when I try to open another link, which requires authentication it says that I am not logged in. What am I doing wrong?
Here's the code, which fails for me:
import urllib
import urllib2
import cookielib
cookieJar = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookieJar))
# Gives response saying that I logged in succesfully
response = opener.open("http://site.com/login", "username=testuser&password=" + md5encode("testpassword"))
# Gives response saying that I am not logged in
response1 = opener.open("http://site.com/check")
Your implementation seems fine... and should work.
It should be sending in the correct cookies
, but I see it as the case when the site is actually not logging you in.
How can you say that its not sending the cookies
or may be cookies
that you are getting are not the one that authenticates you.
Use : response.info()
to see the headers of the responses to see what cookies you are receiving actually.
The site may not be logging you in because :
Its having a check on User-agent
that you are not setting, since some sites open from 4 major browsers only to disallow bot access.
The site might be looking for some special hidden form field that you might not be sending in.
1 piece of advise:
from urllib import urlencode
# Use urlencode to encode your data
data = urlencode(dict(username='testuser', password=md5encode("testpassword")))
response = opener.open("http://site.com/login", data)
Moreover 1 thing is strange here :
implements md5 in javascript.Check out.. !! :)