
How to make an image appear when hovering over text in Flash cs3?

How would the .fla that has text and when mouse is over that text an image appears look like?

I was thinking to make the text a button and then add some script....


  • This is relatively simple

    First, you'll need to make a MovieClip symbol containing your text.

    Give that symbol instance a name (say mClip1)

    Then, import your image and create a symbol from that too. Name it (e.g. img1)

    Then, hide the image


    Next, add the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT event listeners to mClip1

    mClip1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mOver);
    mClip1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mOut);

    Finally, declare those event listeners and define them

    function mOver(e:MouseEvent):void {
    function mOut(e:MouseEvent):void {

    Download the demo file (Flash CS5) from http://www.uploads.sc/download.php?file=749ce36c801a9bf18ce1b5033d8fd82f