I'm trying to install EclipseFP, using the usual Eclipse "Install new software" approach. However, at the "Installation Details" window, it says "This operation cannot be completed", giving me the following details:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile
Missing requirement: Shared profile
requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []'
but it could not be found
I just barely downloaded a fresh Eclipse:
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
Version: Indigo Service Release 1
Build id: 20110916-0149
Does EclipseFP actually work on Indigo? Do I need to download an older Eclipse? Or perhaps there are additional steps I need to take to install Maven? (I don't want to download/install Maven if I don't have to.)
Since Kane neglected to turn his comment into an answer, I may as well state it plainly here:
This issue arises when you put the Eclipse folder in a location where Windows will have issues with access control (e.g. the Program Files folder). By moving the folder to my personal user's folder, I was able to use Eclipse normally without this issue.