I am creating a Rhodes cross platform application. Somewhere in my application I am displaying an Alert with a default OK button. This is my code :
Alert.show_popup "Payment successful. Your Transaction Number : "+$payment["transactionid"].to_s
WebView.navigate ( url_for :controller => :Categories, :action => :index )
What actually happens is I am displaying Alert as well as navigating simultaneously. But what I want is to navigate only when I click that OK button on the Alert.
You should use a callback function, where you would perform the navigation. Try something like:
Alert.show_popup(:message => "Payment successful. Your Transaction Number : "+$payment["transactionid"].to_s,
:callback => :go_to_categories_cb)
And in the same module define the callback method:
def go_to_categories_cb
WebView.navigate ( url_for :controller => :Categories, :action => :index )