I recently inherited an old merb app that uses datamapper as its orm. I'm not too familliar with DM so there is probably something obvious I'm overlooking. I have a simple relationship between two models, which is not required, as follows:
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String, :length => 100, :nullable => false
belongs_to :upload, :required => false
class Upload
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :filename, String
has n, :users
But for some reason it won't let me save a user without an attached upload:
> u = User.create :name => 'foo'
=> #<User @id=nil @name=nil @upload_id=nil>
> s.errors.full_messages
=> ["Upload must not be blank"]
Just to be sure I tried setting :required => false on the "has n" side too but it made no difference of course.
All this on merb 1.0.13 and datamapper 0.10.1
EDIT: The answer below is correct but I did find a workaround, you can add :nullable => true to make this work, as follows:
belongs_to :upload, :required => false, :nullable => true
There used to be a bug in old DM which was causing this behavior. I'd strongly suggest porting this app to recent Rails & DM.