
What is the difference between JavaConverters and JavaConversions in Scala?

In scala.collection, there are two very similar objects JavaConversions and JavaConverters.


  • EDIT: Java Conversions got @deprecated in Scala 2.13.0. Use scala.jdk.CollectionConverters instead.

    JavaConversions provide a series of implicit methods that convert between a Java collection and the closest corresponding Scala collection, and vice versa. This is done by creating wrappers that implement either the Scala interface and forward the calls to the underlying Java collection, or the Java interface, forwarding the calls to the underlying Scala collection.

    JavaConverters uses the pimp-my-library pattern to “add” the asScala method to the Java collections and the asJava method to the Scala collections, which return the appropriate wrappers discussed above. It is newer (since version 2.8.1) than JavaConversions (since 2.8) and makes the conversion between Scala and Java collection explicit. Contrary to what David writes in his answer, I'd recommend you make it a habit to use JavaConverters as you'll be much less likely to write code that makes a lot of implicit conversions, as you can control the only spot where that will happen: where you write .asScala or .asJava.

    Here's the conversion methods that JavaConverters provide:

    Pimped Type                            | Conversion Method   | Returned Type
    scala.collection.Iterator              | asJava              | java.util.Iterator
    scala.collection.Iterator              | asJavaEnumeration   | java.util.Enumeration
    scala.collection.Iterable              | asJava              | java.lang.Iterable
    scala.collection.Iterable              | asJavaCollection    | java.util.Collection
    scala.collection.mutable.Buffer        | asJava              | java.util.List
    scala.collection.mutable.Seq           | asJava              | java.util.List
    scala.collection.Seq                   | asJava              | java.util.List
    scala.collection.mutable.Set           | asJava              | java.util.Set
    scala.collection.Set                   | asJava              | java.util.Set
    scala.collection.mutable.Map           | asJava              | java.util.Map
    scala.collection.Map                   | asJava              | java.util.Map
    scala.collection.mutable.Map           | asJavaDictionary    | java.util.Dictionary
    scala.collection.mutable.ConcurrentMap | asJavaConcurrentMap | java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
    java.util.Iterator                     | asScala             | scala.collection.Iterator
    java.util.Enumeration                  | asScala             | scala.collection.Iterator
    java.lang.Iterable                     | asScala             | scala.collection.Iterable
    java.util.Collection                   | asScala             | scala.collection.Iterable
    java.util.List                         | asScala             | scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
    java.util.Set                          | asScala             | scala.collection.mutable.Set
    java.util.Map                          | asScala             | scala.collection.mutable.Map
    java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap     | asScala             | scala.collection.mutable.ConcurrentMap
    java.util.Dictionary                   | asScala             | scala.collection.mutable.Map
    java.util.Properties                   | asScala             | scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]

    To use the conversions directly from Java, though, you're better off calling methods from JavaConversions directly; e.g.:

    List<String> javaList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"));
    System.out.println(javaList); // [a, b, c]
    Buffer<String> scalaBuffer = JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(javaList);
    System.out.println(scalaBuffer); // Buffer(a, b, c)
    List<String> javaListAgain = JavaConversions.bufferAsJavaList(scalaBuffer);
    System.out.println(javaList == javaListAgain); // true