
init function for structs

I realize that Go does not have classes but pushes the idea of structs instead.

Do structs have any sort of initialization function that can be called similar to a __construct() function of a class?


type Console struct {
    X int
    Y int

func (c *Console) init() {
    c.X = "5"

// Here I want my init function to run
var console Console

// or here if I used
var console Console = new(Console)


  • Go doesn't have implicit constructors. You would likely write something like this.

    package main
    import "fmt"
    type Console struct {
        X int
        Y int
    func NewConsole() *Console {
        return &Console{X: 5}
    var console Console = *NewConsole()
    func main() {


    {5 0}