I am using the URLRewrite Filter from tuckey ( http://www.tuckey.org/urlrewrite/ )
Now i created some rules, but there is one case which gives me headaches. The URL: /group/1/update should be rewritten as: /group?id=1&action=update
I created a regexp Pattern for this case: ^/group/([0-9]+)/(\w*)$, but the Filter is unable to rewrite it. There is no match.
Inside my TestCase i ran this url through all my patterns, just to check. And i found the match as i expected.
assertFalse( "/group/1/update".matches("^/group/create$") );
assertFalse( "/group/1/update".matches("^/group/save$") );
assertFalse( "/group/1/update".matches("^/group/([0-9]+)/?$") );
assertTrue( "/group/1/update".matches("^/group/([0-9]+)/(\\w*)$") );
assertFalse( "/group/1/update".matches("^/group/([0-9]+)/(\\w*)\\?(.*)+$") );
So how come the Filter is unable to find a Rule?
Just to include everything, here is my urlrewrite.xml, or part of it:
You should use single backslash \
instead of double backslash \\
In Java code, the double backalsh is used to represent a single backslash. Since the string is read from external file, there is no need the escape the backslash.