
Change Structure of Magento Product Meta Title

I am having some difficulty at the minute with Magento developing a site for my client.

Currently, the product title is [PRODUCT_NAME] | [PRODUCT_CATEGORY]

I would like to change this to say [PREFIX] [PRODUCT_NAME] [SUFFIX]

I know this can be done using Magento's prefix and suffix pages however I want this to only apply to products. Any ideas how I can implement this without it being overwritted when Magento is updated.



  • Wow, you have several options for how you can implement this. The product meta title comes from the Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View class specifically seeking out the HTML head block instance (Mage_Page_Block_Html_Head) from the layout object (Mage_Core_Model_Layout) and setting its 'title' property to the product model's (Mage_Catalog_Model_Product) getMetaTitle() value.

    Based on this, you could rewrite the product model class and add a custom getMetaTitle() method which includes your prefix/suffix logic. You could also rewrite the product view block's _prepareLayout() method to include your prefix and suffix. You could also do this through observers or by rewriting the catalog product view controller.

    Comment if you need a hand with any of the above.