
Problems configuring the Web Content Viewer (286)

I'm having problems while attempting to configure the Web Content Viewer (286) portlet.

When I attempt to configure this portlet and try to select a content item or component I get a pop-up that contains the same page as the parent. See the following screenshot:

enter image description here

The same issue has been identified in two separate portal:

Now I checked the fixes for Lotus Web Content Management, but the latest fix is the cumulative fix 18 (PM434406). I check the system out and the combined WCM fix in my portal is the cumulative fix 23 (PM49882); which superseeds the one found at fix central.

Any ideas?


  • We had to go ahead and create a PMR for this issue. Our problem was that for some reason when we created a virtual portal the Web Content Management page was not created under the hidden pages label in the Virtual Portal. However this page existed in the base portal.

    There were two possible fixes for this issue:

    Good luck to everyone.