When Rails functions are asking for a translation (I18n.translate
), I don't want to analyze their code in order to get the exact scopes etc.
How can I add a debug output into the console for every string that was asked for?
I18n.t 'errors.messages.invalid', :scope => :active_record
# Translation for 'activerecord.errors.messages.invalid' (not) found
label(:post, :title)
# Translation for 'activerecord.attributes.post.title' not found
# Translation for 'views.labels.post.title' not found
This is not a very elegant solution, but it's worked for me. I've created an initialiser:
require 'i18n'
if (Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?) && ENV['DEBUG_TRANSLATION']
module I18n
class << self
def translate_with_debug(*args)
Rails.logger.debug "Translate : #{args.inspect}"
alias_method_chain :translate, :debug
You can then run commands like the following:
$ DEBUG_TRANSLATION=true rake cucumber
...and you'll see all the translations being attempted dumped to STDOUT. I don't consider this production code though, so I've kept it in a Gist, and not checked it into my main project source control at this stage.
Noddy, but it does the job.