
Where to put application data and temp files on Windows, Linux and MAC if java-application is being lauched using JWS

Can we allow user to set and save application data and temp data using Java-Application that has beenrun/launch using JWS ? Does it make sense ?

We would like to know if user run JNLP directly then can user save preferences settings on local so when he/she run again JNLP he/she could find his/her last saved settings again.

Where to put application data i.e configuration files, properties file. user download path etc.. and where to put temp files i.e.. logs etc.. on Windows, Linux and MAC if java-application is being launched using JWS ?


  • I often use java.util.prefs.Preferences, but javax.jnlp.PersistenceService is available to Java Web Start applications. Both represent abstractions that are cross-platform.