I rewrite soap client file using Zend framework.
This is old method. it is working.
function getBassaService(){
global $service;
$service = new SoapClient("/test/php/bassa.wsdl", array(
"soap_version" => SOAP_1_2,
"trace" => 1,
"exceptions" => 1,
"location" => "http://".$h.":".$p));
return $service;
function getAllDownloads(){
global $service;
$client = getService();
$results = $client->__soapCall("list-all", array());
}catch(SoapFault $e){
return $result;
This is my new code. I use Zend_Soap_Client.
const HOST = "";
const PORT = "8095";
protected $_client;
public function __construct()
$this->_client = new Zend_Soap_Client(APPLICATION_PATH ."/services/bassa.wsdl",
"soap_version" => SOAP_1_2,
"uri" => "http://". self::HOST .":". self::PORT
public function getAllDownloads()
$result = $this->_client->list-all();
return $result;
My soap server has list-all
method. I want soap call to that method. But following error has occurred. Because method name has hyphen.
Notice: Undefined property: Zend_Soap_Client::$list in /home/dinuka/workspace/testzend/application/services/SoapClient.php on line 57
Fatal error: Call to undefined function all() in /home/dinuka/workspace/testzend/application/services/SoapClient.php on line 57
How i fixed it. Please help me.
strange. that's should work. it might be a a bug in ZF framework. maybe it's trying to convert the function name into a camel case function name with variables.
Try to use the magic function directly by calling:
$this->_client->__call('list-all', array('param1' => $param1))