
How to print a string at a fixed width?

I have the following code (printing the occurrence of all permutations in a string):

def splitter(str):
    for i in range(1, len(str)):
        start = str[0:i]
        end = str[i:]
        yield (start, end)
        for split in splitter(end):
            result = [start]
            yield result    

el =[]

string = "abcd"
for b in splitter(string):

unique = sorted(set(el))

for prefix in unique:
    if prefix != "":
        print "value  " , prefix  , "- num of occurrences =   " , string.count(str(prefix))

But when I print the results, because the values aren't all the same length, they aren't lined up:

value   a - num of occurrences =    1
value   ab - num of occurrences =    1
value   abc - num of occurrences =    1
value   b - num of occurrences =    1
value   bc - num of occurrences =    1
value   bcd - num of occurrences =    1
value   c - num of occurrences =    1
value   cd - num of occurrences =    1
value   d - num of occurrences =    1

How can I use format or f-strings to make the output line up in straight columns?


  • EDIT 2013-12-11 - This answer is very old. It is still valid and correct, but people looking at this should prefer the new format syntax.

    You can use string formatting like this:

    >>> print '%5s' % 'aa'
    >>> print '%5s' % 'aaa'
    >>> print '%5s' % 'aaaa'
    >>> print '%5s' % 'aaaaa'


    In your specific case a possible implementation could look like:

    >>> dict_ = {'a': 1, 'ab': 1, 'abc': 1}
    >>> for item in dict_.items():
    ...     print 'value %3s - num of occurances = %d' % item # %d is the token of integers
    value   a - num of occurances = 1
    value  ab - num of occurances = 1
    value abc - num of occurances = 1

    SIDE NOTE: Just wondered if you are aware of the existence of the itertools module. For example you could obtain a list of all your combinations in one line with:

    >>> [''.join(perm) for i in range(1, len(s)) for perm in it.permutations(s, i)]
    ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'ab', 'ac', 'ad', 'ba', 'bc', 'bd', 'ca', 'cb', 'cd', 'da', 'db', 'dc', 'abc', 'abd', 'acb', 'acd', 'adb', 'adc', 'bac', 'bad', 'bca', 'bcd', 'bda', 'bdc', 'cab', 'cad', 'cba', 'cbd', 'cda', 'cdb', 'dab', 'dac', 'dba', 'dbc', 'dca', 'dcb']

    and you could get the number of occurrences by using combinations in conjunction with count().