
Simple VBA array join not working

I'm puzzled why I can't msgbox this joined array. I can do it just fine if I create a static array with typed out values, but with a range of values from excel I keep getting "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument"

I've done a fair amount of research but I'm not able to find any examples of this issue. What am I doing wrong here?

 Sub From_sheet_make_array()
     Dim myarray() As Variant    
     Dim dudeString As String

     myarray() = Range("B2:B10").Value 
     dudeString = Join(myarray(), ", ")

     MsgBox dudeString 
 End Sub


  • A variant array created directly from a sheet range is 2D (ie it has rows and columns) - Join requires a 1D array.

    So you would need to do something like this

    [Updated to read range into variant array, then to convert variant array into 1D array for joining - avoids cell loop]

    Note also that using TRANSPOSE as Issun has below on a single column does force a 1D ouctome immediately. So another alternative would be to loop through the columns or rows of a 2D variant array, and TRANSPOSE them column by column (or row by row) to quickly produce a 1D array.

     Sub From_sheet_make_array()
      Dim X
      Dim lngRow As Long
      Dim myArray()
      X = Range("B2:B10").Value2
      ReDim myArray(1 To UBound(X, 1))
      For lngRow = 1 To UBound(X, 1)
      myArray(lngRow) = X(lngRow, 1)
      Dim dudeString As String
      dudeString = Join(myArray, ", ")
      MsgBox dudeString
     End Sub