I want to loop recursively through a directory and get the file names with full file path and additionally with path relative to the base folder path. For example, a file located in D:\foo\bar\a\b\file.txt
has the relative path bar\a\b\
I'm using this code right now which does not work as expected:
FOR /R D:\Download\758_DATA\ %%F IN (*) DO (
SET B = %%~pF
Set B=%B:~-6% ::take substring of the path
I'm not sure what you want to accomplish, but at least this will give you a good starting point:
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set rootdir=D:\download
for /R %rootdir% %%F in (*) do (
set "B=%%~pF"
set "B=!B:~10!"
echo Full : %%F
echo Partial: !B!
Since you're modifying a variable within a loop, you need to tell the command interpreter that you want to allow variables to be "expanded with delay". This is what the setlocal enabledelayedexpansion is for. Then you can use !
as a variable delimiter instead of %
, and variables written as such will be expanded at runtime. This is necessary because the for
loop will be called like it is one single call. (You can see this when you leave out the echo off
Edit: Revised example which includes automatic cut off:
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "rootdir=%~f1"
if not defined rootdir set "rootdir=%CD%"
set "rootdir=%rootdir:/=\%"
if "%rootdir:~-1%" == "\" set "rootdir=%rootdir:~0,-1%"
set "foo=%rootdir%"
set cut=
if defined foo (
set /A cut+=1
set "foo=!foo:~1!"
goto :loop
echo Root dir: %rootdir%
echo strlen : %cut%
rem also remove leading /
set /A cut+=1
for /R "%rootdir%" %%F in (*) do (
set "B=%%~fF"
rem take substring of the path
set "B=!B:~%cut%!"
echo Full : %%F
echo Partial : !B!