I got a question regarding calculating time code delta.
I read metadata from a movie file containing a timecode formated HH:MM:SS:FF
= frame, 00->23
for example. So its like 00
to framerate-1
So i get some data like 15:41:08:02
and from another refrence file i get 15:41:07:00
Now I have to calculate the timeoffset (like timedelta but just with frames).
How would i go around doing this?
framerate = 24
def timecode_to_frames(timecode):
return sum(f * int(t) for f,t in zip((3600*framerate, 60*framerate, framerate, 1), timecode.split(':')))
print timecode_to_frames('15:41:08:02') - timecode_to_frames('15:41:07:00')
# returns 26
def frames_to_timecode(frames):
return '{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}:{3:02d}'.format(frames / (3600*framerate),
frames / (60*framerate) % 60,
frames / framerate % 60,
frames % framerate)
print frames_to_timecode(26)
# returns "00:00:01:02"