
Polarion ALM tool

we are looking into a full ALM solution in our company. we are looking into Polarion ALM and RTC. has anyone ever heard on Polarion complete ALM tool? if so, can you tell me the pros and cons for this tool? what about RTC? i would love to hear your thoughts. thanks! merav


  • Those tools are both Application Life Management (like you mention in your question), and they both aims at streamlining the development lifecycle.

    Currently deploying RTC, I can confirm that the feature comparison chart listed on Polarion site is... disingenuous at best.
    From what I can see, all features are present on both products.

    For RTC, the "Embedded Version Control Repository" is Jazz source control.
    And RTC is based on a "Based on open standards & frameworks": Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC). See "Jazz Integration Architecture Overview".

    The main point regarding RTC is that is an IBM product, meaning choosing that kind of product is often part of a larger set of tools/servers/services linked to IBM for your company.