
passing options when using methods in a rails gem

I'm using this gem for Facebook authentication in my Rails app.

I'm having some issues in IE and I think it's because of an issue in the Javascript in this file -

If you look at line 52, it seems I can pass options into channelUrl.

I'm implementing a login button like this -

<%= fb_login(:text=>"Log in") %>

Can I do this from my app, or do I need to edit the gem?


  • If I look at the README, you should have a partial like this one:

    <%= fb_connect_async_js %>
    <% if current_facebook_user %>
      <%= "Welcome #{current_facebook_user.first_name} #{current_facebook_user.last_name}!" %>
      <%= "Hello #{fb_name(current_facebook_user, :useyou => false)}!" # link to facebook profile %>
      <%= fb_logout_link("Logout of fb", request.url) %><br />
    <% else
       # you must explicitly request permissions for facebook user fields.
       # here we instruct facebook to ask the user for permission for our website
       # to access the user's facebook email and birthday
      <%= fb_login(:text => 'Log in', :perms => 'email,user_birthday') %>
    <% end %>

    In that case, you just have to pass the options to fb_connect_async_js:

    <%= fb_connect_async_js :channel_url => 'http://blahblah' %>
    ... rest of the partial ...

    If your partial doesn't look like the one above, you should edit your question to post yours (the full one).