
Django Admin Custom Change List Arguments: Override /?e=1

I'm trying to pass in a custom argument to the Django Admin change list view so I can filter the list in a specialized way. I'd like to filter the queryset on 2 fields, start_date and end_date, based on the GET parameter called 'active_pp'. I've gotten the filtering to work correctly, but I'm not able to pass in a GET query parameter that specifies whether I should display the filtered results or the normal results.

I know that, due to security, the Django Admin filters out any query parameters passed to it that aren't related to specified model fields; upon finding bad arguments, the admin redirects the user to the current view but replaces the GET query parameters with e=1. I'd like to whitelist my custom 'active_pp' parameter so the page won't be redirected and I'll be able to use the parameter.

Here is an example of the ModelAdmin in with the queryset customization.

class FeaduredAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): 


    def get_changelist(self, request, **kwargs):
        from django.contrib.admin.views.main import ChangeList

        # Try to get the 'active_pp' query parameter
        active_pp = request.GET.get('active_pp',None)

        # Define a custom ChangeList class with a custom queryset
        class ActiveChangeList(ChangeList):
            def get_query_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
                now =
                qs = super(ActiveChangeList, self).get_query_set(*args, **kwargs)
                return qs.filter((Q(start_date=None) | Q(start_date__lte=now))
                             & (Q(end_date=None) | Q(end_date__gte=now)))

        # use the custom ChangeList class if the parameter exists
        if active_pp:
             return ActiveChangeList

        return ChangeList

Does anyone know how to whitelist custom GET querystring arguments passed to the change_list?

Thanks for reading and for your consideration, Joe


Using Uvasal's provided links, I was able to properly whitelist the GET parameter.

class ActiveFilterAminForm(forms.Form):
    active_pp = forms.CharField()

class FeaduredAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): 


    # Based on:
    advanced_search_form = ActiveFilterAminForm()

    def get_changelist(self, request, **kwargs):

        from django.contrib.admin.views.main import ChangeList
        active_pp = self.other_search_fields.get('active_pp',None)
        # now we have the active_pp parameter that was passed in and can use it.

        class ActiveChangeList(ChangeList):

            def get_query_set(self, *args, **kwargs):
                now =
                qs = super(ActiveChangeList, self).get_query_set(*args, **kwargs)
                return qs.filter((Q(start_date=None) | Q(start_date__lte=now))
                                 & (Q(end_date=None) | Q(end_date__gte=now)))

        if not active_pp is None:
            return ActiveChangeList

        return ChangeList

    def lookup_allowed(self, lookup):
        if lookup in self.advanced_search_form.fields.keys():
            return True
        return super(MyModelAdmin, self).lookup_allowed(lookup)

    def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None, **kwargs):
        self.other_search_fields = {} 
        asf = self.advanced_search_form
        extra_context = {'asf':asf}


        for key in asf.fields.keys():
                temp = request.GET.pop(key)
            except KeyError:
                if temp!=['']: 
                    self.other_search_fields[key] = temp 

        return super(FeaduredProductAdmin, self)\
               .changelist_view(request, extra_context=extra_context)


  • I think you just need to put your custom filter fields in the search_fields class variable as outlined in the Advanced Search Django Snippet.

    You should be able to modify the snippet to support date ranges as well.